Saturday, August 10, 2019

Parent Tips

Tips for helping with Schoolwork

  • Show an interest in your child's homework.  Ask about the courses and the work that should be done.  Ask question that require an answer longer than a one word answer. 
  • Help your child organize their homework material before beginning
  • To avoid procrastination, develop a regular time to do homework with your child 
  • Locate a specific space in your home for your child to do their homework.  A space that has  lots of space and light
  • Encourage your child to ask questions and take time to figure out the right answers.
  • Practice school taught skills at home
  • Relate homework to your child's everyday life
  • Be a role model, also read a book or magazine with your child
  • Praise your child for both the small steps and big leaps in the right direction

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