Friday, October 11, 2019

Close Reading

Definition of Close Reading: Close reading is a strategy for making meaning of complex texts through four critical phases of understanding: literal, analytical, conceptual, and evaluative.  All of these phases serve in supporting students' discovery of the text's implicit messages, overall significance, and mastery.

What does all this mean?
Within the text, there are different phases of learning, there is the Literal Phase, Analytical Phase,
Conceptual Phase, and Evaluative Phase.  During each phase of reading the student should instructed to stop and questions should be ask, reflecting on each area.  For example:

Phase of Understanding           Questions Answered                   

Literal                                        What kind of text is this?              
                                                    What does the text sound like?     
                                                    What does the text say?                
Analytical                                   How does the text express itself? 
                                                    What is implied?                            
                                                    What does it mean?                       

Conceptual                                  What does the whole text mean?   
                                                      What is the text's overall message? 

Evaluative                                    What is the significance of the text?    
                                                       Why does this text matter?              

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