Monday, July 29, 2019

Accommodations for Writers with Disabilities

How do you choose the appropriate accommodations for a student?  The answer is whichever and however many are necessary to give the individual an equal opportunity to learn and grow in their setting.  The following are examples of accommodations that students can utilize in the classroom:

Reduce the number of written assignments
Reduce the length of the assignments
Provide extended time on writing assignments
Accept tape-recorded written assignments as an alternative to written assignments
Permit oral dictation of written assignments to a teacher

Provide more time on in class exams
Administer exams orally
Allow alternate methods for displaying content mastery
Provide alternate exam formats that do not require extensive writing
Allow the student to write all exam responses on a computer

Taking Notes:
Provide the student with copies of the class notes
Provide tape recordings of the class lecture
Limit or eliminate copying requirements from both the board

When grading assignments do not penalize for errors in basic skills, such as punctuation, misspelling, or poor handwriting
Grade the student on improvements, rather than comparing his or her writing performance to peers.

Peer Support:
Provide opportunities for the student to work on writing assignments in small groups
Provide the student with a same age peer to assist with writing task

Encourage the student to use a spelling checker when editing papers
Encourage the use of technology
Encourage the student to use spelling and grammar correction programs before turning in assignments

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