Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Brain and Learning Differences

When teaching students with learning differences, it is very important to understand how the brain functions and how it related to the student's learning disability.

How the Brain functions:

Life Skills-Left side of the  Brain:

  • Handwriting
  • Language (spoken and written)
  • Reading
  • Phonics
  • Working with details and facts
  • Talking
  • Following Directions
  • Listening to spoken language

Life Skills-Right side of the Brain:

  • Spacial Relationship (where things are on a map, relationship of one object to another in space)
  • Shape and pattern recognition
  • Mathematical computation
  • Sensitivity to Color
  • Singing and music
  • Art Expression
  • Creativity
  • Visualization
  • Feelings and emotions

Where do Learning Differences Fit?

Reading Disabilities:
Unexpected difficulties with learning to decode words, to read fluently, and to comprehend what one reads.

Writing Disabilities:
Unexpected difficulties with expressing thoughts in written format.

Math Disabilities:
Unexpected difficulties with number facility and applying mathematical concepts.

Language Disabilities:
Unexpected difficulties with oral expression and listening comprehension  

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